
About MPEA:

About MPEA

Morning Pearl Educational Academy was founded in 2008 AD as co-educational English Medium Day School in Siraha to cater the need of quality schooling in the context of 21st century learning. Education is an asset of every individual. This fact cannot be ignored in today’s globalized world. For some decades in Nepal, the ultimate goal of educa- tion has been to be a doctor or an engineer or chartered accountant or pilot or a technician or empower students to get a job without placing value in personal integrity. Success at any cost and by any means is misleading the entire Nepalese society. The major focus has been placed on fluency of speech in English, doing homework and securing position in exami- nation. Community assesses school children by marks they obtain in examination rather than their cognitive, social, emotional, psychological, motor and moral development. Parents never think of how dutiful the child has been after school; how helpful and sociable she/he has been. Schools are providing mere theoretical knowledge: practical and behavioral aspects of education are underestimated. We have realized that the goal should be to become a good citizen along with the content of information. The current need of the nation is education for meaningful life. We believe few educated good people can influence and ignite change among larger mass.
The prime goal of the education should be profession oriented with humanity and ethics. Children should be responsible and accountable to the world, nation, community and family. Morning Pearl Educational Academy is established to address these issues and its activities are conducted to accomplish these goals. Though it is very challenging, innovative and creative; it is not impossible to achieve. The whole child, or whole person focus of learning can bring miraculous changes in students. Morning Pearl Educational Academy is an effort of a group of educators who are working for improving traditional instructional approaches. Since its inception, Morning Pearl Educational Academy is emerging as most sought after 21st Century education center and has been a source of inspiration for many other educational institutions in Nepal. It has been generally observed that many parents have been taking their children abroad seeking better education from Nepal’s schools whereas we have many examples of comeback. Morning Pearl Educational Academy team is proud to share that this institution has provided education with global standard with local values.

Contact Detail:

Address: Siraha-7, Madhesh Province
Phone: 033-520006
Email: morningpearlschool@gmail.com
Website: mpea.edu.np

Location map::

Location map:

Morning Pearl S.S/College

From the Principal's Desk

Lochan Yadav  Principal

Welcome To MPEA

Thank you for the interest shown in “Morning Pearl Educational Academy.” The true aim of education is to turn our children into ‘power children,’ those who have been empowered through attainment of knowledge, skilling, and emotional reinforcement. Making our homes and schools safe and child friendly is a task we have to perform in order to expedite the achievement of a safe and habitable society for our kids.
Making the child capable of negotiating the challenges of life with confidence, imparting to the child an ability to accept difference and live together in a society made up of a variegated populace, fostering the creative impulse in the child for the betterment of individual as well as society, and enhancing the significance of knowledge through value addition are the immediate objectives to be sought and fulfilled.
As a ...

From the Chairman's Desk

Yogendra Pd. Yadav (Chairman )

Morning Pearl Educational Academy “The Hub of Modern Education" aims to excel in academic and concentrates on sports, games, literary, cultural and various mental and healthy disciplined activities which is most necessary for modern age.
The concept of MPEA is the realization of noble vision with high thinking through love and service. MPEA marches to a better tomorrow with the motto of "Quality Education for Prosperous Life." Constant Renewal makes, MPEA to be in the forefront forming a new great modern Nepalese Society.
Caring the specific need of the children, the school stands by its principle vision, determination and courage. Avoid to grow and ever willing to change to the new infrastructure which will match the best in the country.
Individual is shaped, inculcated with good moral values such as courage, i ...